Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Magic Key to Charm: Instructions for a Delightful Life

The Magic Key to Charm: Instructions for a Delightful Life Review

The Magic Key to Charm: Instructions for a Delightful Life

"Buy The Magic Key to Charm: Instructions for a Delightful Life" Overview

A lost gem discovered in the archives, this nostalgic, beautifully written tome contains much timelessly useful information ranging from beauty and fashion tips and advice on entertaining to how to run for the bus gracefully—"like a young gazelle," to be precise—and how to decorate your house to best suit your complexion. You may not be beautiful, clever, and rich, but you can still change your life by using the long-lost art of charm. This book holds the secrets to serenity and elegance. Miss Ascroft teaches how to banish graceless habits, how to dress to complement one's personality type, how to make friends and be the perfect hostess, and how to appear well-educated and well-read. Her 14 charm lessons offer a way of life helping the reader to become more attractive and desirable, and at the same time a more complete and contented person. Her advice is proffered in a delightful fashion, accompanied by exquisite photographs, and no woman who reads this book can fail to gain something from its pages.
You will not be disappointed with The Magic Key to Charm: Instructions for a Delightful Life

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